Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Real Food Festival - Sherston Tea Company

Another boutique purveyor of fine products, the Sherston Tea Company is owned and operated by Clare Mitchell. I knew that someone with a creative flair had their hand in the packaging of these products, because it is nothing less than theatrical. Sadly, my photos don't really do it justice, but each little air tight pot was wrapped in decorative, vintage paper reminiscent of a Liberty pattern.

Further investigation revealed that my suspicions were indeed true, for Clare is set designer stage productions. How well this was all fitting together. Not only had I met another friend of the theatre, but woman of divine aesthetic. On the table in front of me was a tray populated by small glass jars. Each jar contained a different variety of tea.
The first I reached for was the Earl Grey, decorated by beautiful blue cornflowers. My heart sang because the telltale fragrance of bergamot was sublime.

The website has some gorgeous glass tea pots, that will inspire even the most adamant coffee aficionado.

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