I really hit 2011 hard thinking about resolutions. I know, I know...I come across you all the time "I don't do resolutions" I don't really do them either, but it's nice to have a fresh start to think about the great blank space of 12 months, 52 weeks and 365 days that can be painted any colour I like! So I came up with a few.
1. Choose happiness
This one sound deceptively easy. It's not. At all. For example, I leave work jazzed up for the weekend to be confronted by a number of challenges. Tube's delayed, man next to me keep bumping into the book I am trying to read, loud teenagers (I know I was NEVER that obnoxious at 15) Suddenly, happiness has transformed to crabbiness and I want to slip my shoe off my foot and throw it at someone's head. It's this little fantasy that brings a smile back to my face...Let it go. Tube, teenagers, man with no spacial perception - whisper a small blessing to each of them and BOSH - happiness is back.
2. Live BIG
I love the quote, "Who are you to hide your greatness" Not sure exactly who said it, but I will attribute it to Oprah - it's a fairly safe bet. But yeah!! I am passionate, excitable, emotional -- why do I try to contain this all into one little box of self contained politeness. I challenge myself to 'out with it' Release the light, laughter, anger in a gorgeous spectrum of living. I will dance, sing, paint, give and receive love and invite those in my life to do the same.
3. Feed my Friendships with Women
I have a tendency to retreat into myself. My moon is in my 12th house (and in scorpio-but we won't get into that part of it) So, it's a natural place for me to be to regroup and rejuvenate. I love my alone time, but there are also many moments that I want to fill with shared experiences with the women that I love. My mom has always found great strength in her female friends - and on this I take her cue one and give more to nourish my relationships.
Okay, here, I just have to say that. In thinking of all these things for 2011, I realised, I can make resolutions anytime! What a discovery! For the weekend, for the afternoon, for a meeting - I can set my intention and congratulate myself for every small milestone along the way. For example - yes - I really did this. Before I left the office on Friday, I left a note on my desk that said, "Happy Monday - this week you have the opportunity to do great things. This is your task list, complete every one of these items to the best of your ability." I will have to see how I feel on Monday - I might want to pick up that note and chuck it out the window. Or I might just laugh at myself. I hope it's the later.
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