Monday, June 13, 2011

Post Secret - A Lifetime of Secrets

I have known and enjoyed Post Secret for some time now. I like going to the website on a Sunday when the latest 'secrets' have been uploaded to have a good nose around. It's perfect for a 'curious' person like myself. There is something about this that makes me want to look into myself and find secrets to release. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I think that my daily journaling (3 pages every morning as suggested by The Artist's Way) will lead me to uncover what lies beneath.

It also got me thinking about people that I would like to know about. Who's secret would I most like to know. Maybe my deceased grandfather, Peter Mariani, because I would liked to have known him better.
If I think of a secret or if you do - here is the address to send it to.

So as the new owner of this book, I thought it would be fun to randomly open the page and post a picture of whatever I opened to. No second goes. This is what I opened to. Is that a message from God?!

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